Pride Month: Culture Club and Boy George’s Best Work

For Pride Month, I’ll be sharing pop culture works like literature, film, television, and music to celebrate queer culture. From 1982 to 1986, Culture Club scored nine top-20 hits on the US pop charts. In their native UK, they charted eight times in the top-ten. As a hitmaking machine, they felt unstoppable for the brief... Continue Reading →

Pride Month: ‘Jeffrey’ by Christopher Ashley

For Pride Month, I’ll be sharing pop culture works like literature, film, television, and music to celebrate queer culture. The early 1990s saw a renaissance of sorts of queer cinema, coined by B. Ruby Rich "new queer cinema." Mainstream and indie films about queer issues were getting more media attention and openly gay performers were... Continue Reading →

Pride Month: Bruce Vilanch

For Pride Month, I’ll be sharing pop culture works like literature, film, television, and music to celebrate queer culture. I can't remember when I first saw Bruce Vilanch or became aware of him. He's such a distinct and unique figure in pop culture, particularly queer pop culture, that he seems pretty ubiquitous. Funny, gregarious, and... Continue Reading →

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