January Oxfam bookshop haul

There's a torpor that takes over one's body after the holidays and before work starts. The fun of the Christmas days is over but the daily routine of work hasn't settled in yet, so there's this sticky limbo in which one sorta floats. The other day, I made my way to Earl's Court, a place... Continue Reading →

Book Shopping

So, I've bought some books throughout out the past couple months, both kindle and print, and I've visited several used bookshops in London. There are some great choices in the city. I'll often haunt Skoob Books in Russell Square at the Brunswick. It's in the basement of the shopping centre. It's one of my second... Continue Reading →

Book shopping Kingston Edition

It's been a few years since I've visited Kingston. The first time I saw the town was when my partner was featured in an art show at the Kingston Museum. When visiting the first time, we stumbled upon a fabulous Iraqi restaurant, Ranya. At Ranya, I discovered an incredible dish, chicken tashreeb, a chicken stew... Continue Reading →

Books bought in the Month of April

So, throughout the month of April, I was recovering from four months of nearly non-stop work. This work included a work trip in early April to Singapore as well as planning three major events that took place in a span of six weeks. There was quite a bit of retail therapy that took place as... Continue Reading →

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